Our team can assist you with your project from start to finish. Our team has extensive experience in Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility laws and building code requirements nationwide. Our experienced Accessibility Specialists can determine if your facility is access compliant and provide recommendations for the accessibility elements that don’t comply with the applicable standards. Having your facility inspected by our accessibilities specialists will help avoid costly litigation. In the event of litigation, our Senior Specialists can provide expert witness testimony.


Accessibility Compliance Consulting Services

Access Inc. offers a wide range of Accessibility Compliance Services to aid Public Agencies, Architects, Building Owners, Developers and Property Managers in evaluating existing site conditions, developing project specifications for their projects and providing site inspections during construction of new facilities. Our aim is to provide clients with the information needed to successfully design and complete a proposed project. Our Accessibility Compliance Services include but may not be limited to:

  • CASp Services for Public Agencies

  • CASp Plan Review Services (Public & Private)

  • CASp Site Surveys

  • Pre-Lease and Pre-Sale Real Estate Purchase CASp Inspections

  • CASp Site Inspections During Construction

  • ADA Consulting

  • Expert Witness Testimony

  • Educational Services

 CASp Services for Public Agencies

Our team has expert knowledge on the Americans with Disabilities Act and its Accessibility Guidelines, Fair Housing, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, California Building Code and its Standards as well as other state and federal accessibility laws and standards. A list of services is summarized below:

On-Call CASp Inspection Services:

  • CASp Site Surveys for New & Existing Facilities

  • CASp Inspections for Accessible Elements in the Public Right-of-Way

  • On-Street & Off-Street Parking Lot Studies

Transition Plans:

  • Assist with the Self-Evaluation Process

  • Assist in Developing & Maintaining a Transition Plan

  • Provide Facility CASp Inspection Reports

  • Evaluate Citywide Sidewalk & Curb Ramps

  • Public Park Assessments, including Beaches, Trails, etc.

Staff Training on Accessibility Elements:

  • ADA Coordinator Training

  • Provide classes for inspector and engineers on what to look for when designing and inspecting common accessible elements, including but not limited to: Accessible Routes, Public Restrooms, Sidewalks, Curb Ramps, Crosswalks, Driveways and Accessible Parking Spaces

  • Provide classes on how to use popular ADA software programs

 CASp Plan Review Services

It is critical that Plan Reviews be performed before projects go out to bid. Pre-construction review of documents often reveals mistakes in design. These mistakes when found after construction are costly and can delay construction schedules. This review greatly reduces construction errors and expensive rework. We have saved our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars with this simple service.

 CASp Site Survey’s

Access is a leader in providing State Certified Access Specialists (CASp) who will perform inspections of our clients facilities, both interior & exterior. Our CASp’s identify all violations and include measurements of each non-compliant element along with code references and photo documentation. Our staff will then create a comprehensive report identifying the barriers with proposed solutions, which helps our clients create a voluntary barrier removal & accessibility upgrade plan. Our reports include cost effective solutions to correct the existing violations. We consult with our clients to help them create a schedule to correct the violations over time based on the business’s finances. Lastly, we provide our clients with a State-numbered “Disability Access Inspection Certification”. This certification will be:

  • “Meets Applicable Standards” if the site is found to be 100% in compliance with Federal & State guidelines.

  • “Inspected by a CASp” if accessibility barriers are found during the inspection.

These certificates will deter potential plaintiffs as it lets them know that the Owner understands accessibility laws and is taking steps toward achieving compliance.

 Pre-Lease, Pre-Sale and Real Estate Purchase CASp Inspections

As per Senate Bill 1108, anyone selling or leasing a business or property must state whether the property has been inspected by a CASp or not. Access will provide you with a report of all elements that need to be corrected prior to your lease, sale, or purchase. Don’t get blindsided with thousands of dollars of repairs for ADA compliance after the fact.

 CASp Construction Inspections

Our Team of CASp Specialists provide inspections for projects as construction advances. Discovering non-compliant issues while the project is in the rough stages avoids costly rework and delays after complete or when a project is nearing completion. Access offers affordable inspections at critical stages of projects. Our clients can attest that we have saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars in corrective work before the finishes have been installed. Too often Public Agencies, Developer’s, Contractor’s and Business Owners wait until the end of the project before having their project inspected by a CASp, only to find out that the project cannot receive final approval from the authority having jurisdiction because of non-compliant accessible features and elements.

 ADA Consulting

Access Inc provides solutions to Architects, Engineers, Developers and Business Owners. We use our extensive construction background and advise our clients on the most cost-effective ways to correct violations. Our Team helps clients create a Transition Plan with scheduling, and pricing for barrier removal. State and Federal regulations mandate that corrections must be made when it is “Readily Achievable.” In essence, readily achievable is defined as “easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense.” Things like lowering coat hooks, installing accessible signage, and striping of accessible parking spaces are all considered readily achievable. The ADA regulations state that all the non-compliant items don’t have to be corrected immediately and can be spread out over time as finances permit. We help our clients with a schedule & transition plan that fits their budget and their needs.

 Expert Witness Testimony

Our Team has expert level knowledge in the field of Disabled Access. We provide clients with letters of opinion on accessibility laws and code issues to local building departments and in court proceedings. Clients have us in their corner during the whole legal process and we offer Defense Strategy and CASp Representation during litigation including Declarations, Depositions, Arbitrations, and Trial Testimony.

 Educational Services

Access offers classes on making our clients buildings, properties and businesses more accessible. We will instruct clients on the most common violations found in publicly and privately owned buildings, properties and businesses offering public accommodations and the most efficient ways to fix the violations. Our Team offers seminars and workshops on the Federal & State Accessibility standards and guidelines for groups or individuals. We also offer tutoring to help individuals pass the CASp and ICC Accessibility Inspector exams.